Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 13

Day 13: 
“It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.”

conserving, saving the world one shower at a time lol

Not much went on this day. So I thought I'd add another tasty recipe I made for CJ. 

Mediterranean Chicken Packets

This method of cooking makes the chicken aromatic and succulent. It also reduces the amount of oil needed since the chicken and veggies cook in their own juices. 

ingredients: olive oil, 2 chicken breasts, mozzarella cheese, 2 zucchini, 2 tomatoes, pepper, a lemon, and rice or pasta.

Step 1: Cut 2 pieces of foil about 10 inches square or bigger depending on the size of your "breasts" =) Brush the foil squares lightly with oil and set aside until required. 

Step 2: Slash each chicken breast with a knife at intervals. then either slice your mozzarella cheese (if whole) or like me use shredded and STUFF your cheese between the cuts. 

Step 3: Slice and divide the zucchini and tomatoes between the pieces of foil and sprinkle with black pepper. (also add any other seasonings that appeal to you) 

Step 4: Place the chicken on top of each pile of vegetables. I used fresh lemon juice on top of each chicken plus salt and pepper on top. Next wrap in the foil to in close the chicken and vegetables, tucking in the ends. 

Step 5:  Place on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven, 400 degrees C, for about 30-hour depending on the size of your chicken mine took an hour. YUMM!

Step 6: To serve, unwrap each foil packet and serve with you rice or pasta

It was really good.

*Good cooking tip, place food on the shiny side so when wrapped the dull surface is facing outwards. This ensures that the heat is absorbed into the packet and not reflected away from it. 


  1. haha! I love this photo! And the quote :)
    And can you please just start sending me a plate of each of your meals?!. This looks so good. Def want to try this, but currently i have no oven :(
